Hot Soups & “Hitting 21”

squash soupThis weekend marks 21 years since Harley Dawn Diner opened its doors to serving our guests the freshest quality & authentic dishes prepared in our kitchen daily.  October frosts are made for soup cravings… a bowl of hot, velvety smooth & sunny Butternut Squash soup with a sprinkling of cinnamon is just one of the many HD classics.  What’s your favorite?

Remember to check on construction progress on our website’s live feed cam at and “like” our FB page to be first to view an upcoming rendering of the new green and sustainable building.

What’s Your Fave Fall Pie?

IMG_6451The air is crisp, as are the local Jersey apples filling the produce stands, and we can’t resist baking up one of the classic Fall pies that was always a fave among guests!  Homemade pies and specialty breads have been, and will continue to be, a hallmark at the Harley Dawn Diner.  With so many fresh Fall flavors to choose from, the hardest part is deciding on which one… our suggestion is always “have one here and take another one home!”  So which Fall pie or bread flavor are you missing this season?  Everyone has a fave, let us know yours…